
Johann Scheerer
Unheimlich nah

Unheimlich nah

by Johann Scheerer, 331 pages

Finished on 17th of January, 2021
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[German] This is Scheerer’s follow up to “Wir sind dann wohl die Angehörigen”, both autobiographical books about his childhood under very unusual circumstances: his incredibly rich father had been the victim to a kidnapping and was released for 40 Million Deutsche Marks and Swiss Franks after spending 30 days caged up in a basement cell. Afterwards, everything obviously changed for the family of three. Being a teenager under constant surveillance of a security detail following every step he made is certainly not easy.

Scheerer’s style of writing has improved since the first book which detailed the time during the kidnapping. He manages to create empathy for the situation he is in, while on the other hand behaving self-centered towards lots of people in his vicinity. Then again, that’s just how most teenagers behave. I like him and would appreciate another book about the next chapter in his life. The ending is great. 

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