Goodbye, Awesome Orange Rockerverb Amp!

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Published on 12th of September, 2018

It just looks so cool
It just looks so cool

In 2013 I used my newly earned expendable funds to fulfill a childhood dream: I bought this amazing Orange Rockerverb MKII guitar amp. 100 Watts of pure tube power. Additionally, I got the speaker box underneath it, which contains four 12 inch speakers. 

So Much Power!

I was over the moon. But now, around five years later, stupid reality hit me. How often have I really used it? Do I need the sheer volume it can provide? These things can fill entire halls with a wall of sound. I never got the chance to turn it up past around 30% – for simple fear of my own health. 

Two channels with three band equalizers each, a reverb effect
Two channels with three band equalizers each, a reverb effect

Quite soon after the initial honeymoon phase I realized I don’t take the time to go downstairs into the isolated basement room to fire up this one. I play guitar a lot, but just ended up having one or two of them in my living room, because of the easy access.

It could have supported another 4 by 12 cabinet box, making it a full stack
It could have supported another 4 by 12 cabinet box, making it a full stack

So I got myself a smaller Orange amp for the living room practice. Turns out, even the small Orange amps are of incredible quality and this little one was since able to provide enough blast for playing a gig recently, too.

Made in England, bitches
Made in England, bitches

In accordance to my effort to become more of a minimalist, I sadly decided to prepare getting rid of this thing. It just makes sense to give someone else the chance of really using this awesome guitar amp. I would have loved the opportunity when I was younger. But right now I have to face reality. So, I am selling it. Let me know if you’re interested!

My band and I made use of the amp when we recorded the REWE Food Inspires Music songs a few years back. In hindsight a smaller amp could have gotten the job done, as well. But, you know, it just sounds and looks so amazing! 

Very photogenic
Very photogenic
Works really well with Fender guitars, but we also used some Gibsons on it
Works really well with Fender guitars, but we also used some Gibsons on it

A few live gigs were also in the cards for us. One of them promoting those mentioned REWE tracks at Kev’s Kitchen in front of an army of food bloggers here in Hamburg:

Pre-gig, amp in the background
Pre-gig, amp in the background

The 90/90 Rule

If you didn’t use an item you own in the last 90 days and probably won’t use it in the upcoming 90, it’s time to say goodbye. Doesn’t include seasonal things, of course. I think I will feel some weight off my shoulders when the amp will be gone to another guitar player. Sad and relieved at the same time.

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