Yours Truly in Runner’s World Magazine

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Published on 25th of September, 2019

Double sided article about my EU marathons
Double sided article about my EU marathons

So yeah, this has been fun! I’ve made it into Runner’s World Germany magazine with my 28 EU marathons, which you might remember from this website:  

How did this happen?

About two years ago I wanted to promote my little side company HoneyPower, an online shop for natural and honey-based power gel. So I wrote to the Runner’s World people and they kindly published a little test of the product, free of charge. 

In the process I mentioned my EU marathon project, which they found interesting and then, a few months ago, contacted me about it again. 

So we scheduled a photo shoot down at Landungsbrücken in Hamburg. Marcus Vogel, the photographer, had the idea of stylizing me as a superhero, to which I didn’t object. Irina Strohecker, the author, read through many of my EU posts and then we had an hour-long phone call in which she interviewed me. A few weeks later, the article got printed.

I’m quite happy about this, to be honest – appearing in this magazine which I like to read is something special for me. There are just two little things that were wrong: My personal best marathon time of the EU marathons was around 20 minutes faster than Irina said (runner’s ego, I know!) and my kids don’t dislike flying, quite the opposite. The reason why I felt I was done after the EU and didn’t want to go on with the country collecting is basically the cost and the CO2 of flying so many longer distances for short stays. I don’t want to give up traveling by plane completely, but reducing it seems to be a smart idea.

Especially since the place where I live is quite good on its own.
Especially since the place where I live is quite good on its own.
Recently I mustered up the power to go running before sunrise even. Worth it.
Recently I mustered up the power to go running before sunrise even. Worth it.

Yes. Nice article though. Here’s the (German) web version of it: Tim Teeges Tour d’Europe on Runner’s World.

How do you feel after reading this?

This helps me assess the quality of my writing and improve it.

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